Palabre is an all in one news app, acclaimed as the best user experience as a Feedly reader, a RSS Reader, Google news (Google reader) and got really good press. FocusReader is the newest RSS reader on the list and a bit of a wildcard.
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A personalized Android news reader just for you. One of the best news reader rss apps for iPhone users. Your beautiful news reader for Feedly, RSS feeds, Inoreader, The Old Reader or Twitter.

If you are looking for a beautiful, simple and powerful news and rss reader app for your iPhone and iPad, Reeder is for you. The minimum requirements needed to successfully run Lilina are: PHP 5.2 or higher, PHP’s XML extension, PHP’s PCRE extension and PHP’s JSON. You can import feed as OPML, the standard for feed sharing. It uses no database and supports both RSS and Atom feed. Check out the additional features: lightning-fast desktop search, flexible information organizer, contextual access, and quick extensibility for developers who want more. Its fast, it aggregates, and it keeps you organized. It supports many third party rss reader apps including features feedbin, feedly, feed wrangler, newsblur and more. Lilina is a PHP open source feed news aggregator script powered by SimplePie. Free and easy to use RSS reader, NNTP news reader, and web bookmark manager. This news reader app has lots of useful features and has very easy user interface. If you are interested to read latest and breaking news with ease on your iPhone or iPad, you can use Reeder app. Reeder : Best News Reader ( iPhone + iPad ) :. Although, there are many News and RSS feed reader apps on Apple Apps Store for iOS devices, but here, we have listed only the best news reader apps for iPhone and iPad.
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You can download one or more news and rss reader apps, according to your choice. Tell FeedDemon to let you know when your keywords appear in any feed youre. Assign your own keywords to items, making it easy to classify and locate articles youve previously read. This news and rss reader apps are highly customizable to give better experience while reading news instead of reading news on Safari or any other web browsers on iOS devices. FeedDemon is the most popular RSS reader for Windows, with an easy-to-use interface that makes it a snap to stay informed with the latest news and information. With the help of these news reader apps, you can get almost instantly breaking news, headlines and news in details on your iPhone and iPad. What is RSS RSS, sometimes known as Really Simple Syndication, is a popular means of sharing content (such as news headlines) without requiring readers to. It’s a great option for people who want to see all their content sources in one place.

FlowReader FlowReader is what you’d get if you combined RSS and social media.
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This free RSS reader is open source you can download its code and host it on your own server. In this apps list, you can view 11 best news reader apps for iPhone and iPad. CommaFeed is a free RSS reader inspired by the now-defunct Google Reader. If you are a news addicted person, this iOS apps list can help you find the best news apps for your iPhone.