She helped to write the first algorithm intended to. Ada Byron was a writer and mathematician known for her work on Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer. The concept for computers was invented by Charles Babbage, with whom Ada worked. 2.Ada Byron's contribution to computing was through her algorithms for a working computer language. To give or supply in common with others give to a common fund or for a common purpose. contribute synonyms, contribute pronunciation, contribute translation, English dictionary definition of contribute.

VERB + CONTRIBUTE be asked to, be encouraged toDefine contribute. | equally a situation where husband and wife contribute equally to the family budget | fully | financially. enormously, generously, greatly, handsomely, heavily, substantially His research has contributed enormously to our understanding of this disease.Many people contributed generously to the appeal. contribute to support develop originate create derive cause effect contribute verb. Synonyms for Words Commonly used in Resumes ability aptitude capability adopt. Best synonyms for 'contribute' on this page are 'lead', 'provide input' and 'aid'. VERB + CONTRIBUTE be asked to, be encouraged toSynonyms for CONTRIBUTE (TO): conduce (to), beget, breed, bring, bring about, bring on, catalyze, cause, create, do Ada Byron's contribution to computing was through her algorithms for a working computer language.